ER Unit
How to access the emergency service?
In case of emergency:
- Call the emergency service at 112
- You can go directly to the Emergency Reception Unit of the University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest.
Patient reception and waiting time:
In the Emergency Reception Unit, access to treatment is based on triage, which determines medical priority. If your case is not an immediate medical priority, you may have to wait longer for a consultation and for a doctor to see you. Other patients may be seen immediately even if they arrived much later than you, based on their higher medical priority. Please do not try to influence the medical staff’s decision to get faster access.
If you feel worse, please contact the triage nurse for re-evaluation of your condition.
Thank you for your understanding.

For emergency admissions, the staff in the Emergency Reception Unit handles the reception, treatment, and transfer to the wards if needed.
Scheduled admissions are made through the Outpatient Department of the University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest.
Information: For information, you can ask the staff at the Emergency Reception.
Right to information: Data regarding your health condition is usually provided by medical staff after your evaluation.
For obtaining copies of medical documents, please contact the Registration service.
Health condition information for patients is not provided over the phone.
According to Law 46/2003 regarding patient rights, all information regarding the patient’s health condition, investigation results, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and personal data are confidential even after the patient’s death.
Confidential information can only be provided if the patient explicitly consents or if the law expressly requires it.
If information is necessary for other accredited healthcare providers involved in the patient’s treatment, explicit consent is no longer mandatory.